Free Romance Book Blasts and One-Day Special Events

Free book blasts and special events have taken off in the past few years. Many indie authors will have free ebooks available during specific events. Some of these books will only be free for one day. The Unapologetic Romance Reader is sharing 14 special book events that happen throughout the year that share romance novels in different genres. This list will be updated as we discover new book blasts.

October 22, 2024

October 24, 2024

November 15 and 16, 2024

featuring cinnamon roll book boyfriends

November 15 2024

LGBTQIA+ romances

November 24, 2024

All genres of romance, the original “stuff your kindle” event

Every 3-6 months

Once a quarter

Solstice and Equinox

Free romance fantasy books

February 1-15

Four times a year

dark romance, fantasy, horror, and scifi

Winter 2024

April 2025

July 27, 2025

Ended events

How to participate in free book blasts and one-day special events

Free book blasts are built to be easy for readers to participate in. Just head to the website while an event’s going on and look through the list of free ebooks. Download books that interest you. Don’t forget to leave a review after you give new books a go!

Do I need a Kindle to participate?

While many of the events include ebooks that you can download on Amazon, they often include free books available on Apple, Kobo, and Nook as well. The Kindle app is also available for free download on any iPad, iPhone, or tablet.

What happens if I miss an event?

Sign up for the event’s newsletter to be notified of upcoming events. The Unapologetic Romance Reader will send out updates for upcoming events.

Where else can I find free books?

This newsletter shares at least 10 free romance books every week. Subscribers will never run out of books to read!

These are the events that have been on my radar. If you have one I should add, please email kaitlyn.arford[at]